📌 職位概述 | Job Overview
這是一份遠端外包工作,適合對二次元動畫風格有高度熱情,並熟悉 3D 角色動畫的專業動畫師。我們正在尋找能夠流暢調整角色動作、清理 Mocap raw data,並確保最終動畫符合二次元美學的動畫師。
This is a remote contract position for passionate 3D animators who specialize in anime-style motion. We are looking for someone who can refine character animations, clean up raw Mocap data, and ensure smooth, aesthetically pleasing movement in line with anime-style animation.
🎨 主要職責 | Responsibilities
- 根據項目需求製作流暢且符合角色個性的動畫
Create smooth and expressive character animations that fit the character's personality.
- 清理 Motion Capture (Mocap) raw data,修正動作瑕疵並調整細節
Clean up raw Motion Capture (Mocap) data, correcting errors and refining movements.
- 根據參考動畫調整關鍵幀,確保符合二次元風格的表現方式
Adjust keyframes based on animation references to match anime-style motion.
- 使用Blender進行動畫製作
Use Blender to produce animations.
- 跟進動畫調整,確保最終效果符合設計要求
Follow up on animation revisions to ensure the final result meets design requirements.
- 與建模與技術團隊協作,確保動畫與 3D 角色模型完美適配
Collaborate with modeling and technical teams to ensure animations integrate seamlessly with 3D character models.
- 每週參與 3 次線上會議,並每日回報工作進度
Participate in three online meetings per week and provide daily progress updates.
🔧 必要技能 | Required Skills
- 熟悉Blender
Proficient in Blender.
- 具有角色動畫經驗,能夠創作情感豐富且流暢的動作
Experienced in character animation, capable of creating expressive and smooth motions.
- 擅長清理 Motion Capture (Mocap) raw data,修正不自然的動作Skilled in cleaning up raw Motion Capture (Mocap) data and refining unnatural motions.
- 熟悉二次元動畫風格,並能夠表現出符合該風格的動作
Strong understanding of anime-style animation and ability to replicate its motion aesthetics.
- 熟悉 FK/IK 動畫流程,並能夠根據需求靈活切換
Knowledge of FK/IK animation workflows and ability to switch between them as needed.
- 能夠適應遠端工作,具備良好的時間管理與溝通能力
Ability to work remotely with strong time management and communication skills.
⭐ 加分條件 | Preferred Qualifications
- 具備遊戲或動畫產業的 3D 動畫製作經驗
Experience in 3D animation for games or animated productions.