這是一份遠端外包工作,適合熟悉 Blender 並對二次元角色建模有深入研究的 3D 藝術家。我們目前已有 Vroid 模型,需要將其導入 Blender 進行修改與優化。主要角色為男性角色,希望你能精準還原二次元風格,並確保模型的細節與動畫適配性。
This is a remote contract position open to 3D artists who are proficient in Blender and have a strong understanding of anime-style character modeling. We already have Vroid models that need to be imported into Blender for modification and refinement. Most characters are male, and we seek artists who can faithfully capture anime aesthetics while ensuring animation-ready models.
將 Vroid 角色模型導入 Blender 進行修改與優化
Import and refine Vroid character models in Blender.
Adjust model proportions, structure, and details to align with anime aesthetics.
Ensure models are animation-ready by optimizing topology and rigging.
Ensure textures and materials meet project requirements.
每週參與 3 次線上會議,並每日回報工作進度
Participate in three online meetings per week and provide daily progress updates.
熟悉 Blender,並具備 Vroid 模型處理經驗
Proficient in Blender, with experience handling Vroid models.
擅長二次元風格的 3D 角色建模與修改
Strong skills in anime-style 3D character modeling and refinement.
具備 3D 拓撲優化與綁定基礎,確保模型適合動畫製作
Knowledge of topology optimization and rigging to ensure animation compatibility.
Experience in texture and material handling to align with the project's art direction.
Ability to work remotely with strong time management and communication skills.
具備 3D 角色建模與修改相關經驗
Experience in 3D character modeling and refinement.
Interest in long-term collaboration.
有 Rigging 相關經驗
Experience in rigging.
具備 2D 美術背景,正在轉戰 3D 領域
2D artists looking to transition into 3D are welcome.