這是一份遠端外包工作,無地域限制,適合擅長機甲、科幻風格的 3D 建模師。我們希望你能高效建立低模,並在短時間內透過貼圖與法線技術,快速增加細節,使用 Blender 進行最終交付。
This is a remote contract position open to applicants worldwide. We are looking for a 3D environment artist skilled in hand-painted textures who can create high-quality 3D environments based on concept art, with final deliveries in Blender.
根據提供的機甲 / 硬表面設計進行 3D 建模,確保符合科幻與機械風格 Create 3D models based on provided mecha/ hard surface designs, ensuring a sci-fi and mechanical aesthetic.
創建高效的 UV 佈局,避免浪費 UV 空間
Optimize UV layouts efficiently to minimize wasted space.
Apply hand-painted textures to enhance aesthetics (please specify tools used).
Follow Zenless Zone Zero, Honkai: Star Rail as style references.
使用 Blender 進行最終檔案整理與提交
Finalize and submit work using Blender.
具備動畫應用考量,確保模型符合動畫 Rigging 標準 Ensure models are rigging-friendly for animation use.
每週參與 3 次線上會議,確保專案進度同步
Participate in three online meetings per week to align project progress.
熟悉 Blender(如使用其他工具,請註明),能夠快速建立低模並處理 Hard Surface 細節 Proficient in Blender (if using other tools, please specify), capable of quick low-poly modeling with hard surface details.
擅長貼圖與法線貼圖技術,利用材質增強細節而非高模雕刻 Skilled in texturing and normal mapping to enhance details without high-poly sculpting.
具備遊戲 / 動畫資產建模經驗,能夠進行 UV 拆解並優化貼圖資源 Experience in game/animation asset modeling, including UV unwrapping and texture optimization.
理解機械設計邏輯,確保部件可動性與動畫適配性 Strong understanding of mechanical design principles, ensuring articulation and animation compatibility.
具備遠端工作經驗,能夠高效管理時間並與團隊協作 Experience in remote work, with strong time management and teamwork skills.
對日系機甲風格有深入研究 Deep understanding of Japanese mecha design.
Interest in a long-term collaboration.
有 Rigging 相關經驗
Experience in rigging.